IT Software Engineer Back-End

8 Giugno 2021
Descrizione Offerta di Lavoro

We are looking for a IT Software Engineer Back-End Manufacturing

• Design, build and support applications and software solutions in PMI infrastructure
• Once Required assuring integration with internal PMI applications
• Support other IT Team (Platform Teams) to prepare & provide requirements for the application environment build in the PMI infrastructure.
• You will be responsible for maintaining current systems & applications and ensuring that they work properly.
• You will use existing technology and tools to designing and develop respective software solutions working in defined PMI infrastructure
• You will be assigned to initiatives to support other IT teams at the expert domain level with regard to the optimal use of software components in the PMI platform(s)
• You will ensure the adoption of best software engineering practices among team members and other IT Teams

Experience/Specific Skills:
• At least four years of professional experience in the development of both bespoke projects and building products.
• Experience working with DevOps engineers.
• Experience working on both green and brown field projects.
• Experience with refactoring legacy applications.
• Solid knowledge of Python language

Candidati per questa Offerta di Lavoro

E' importante compilare con cura tutti i campi del form, per le aziende sarà più facile trovare la tua candidatura!

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Data Nascita *

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Figura Professionale *

Principali Esperienze Lavorative * (Incollate tutte le esperienze lavorative)

Autorizzo la visualizzazione del CV alle aziende registrate sul portale

Allega Curriculum (docx, pdf, doc, txt)
Dimensione Max: 3MB

  • Azienda: Dolmen Technology Srl
  • Sede di lavoro: Milano,Lombardia,Italia
  • Tutte le offerte di questa azienda:
  • Tipo di contratto: Tempo Indeterminato
  • Stipendio:
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  • Tags: No Tags
  • 328 total views, 1 today

  • Offerta pubblicata il: 08.06.2021