Figura professionale: Grafica pubblicitaria

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Personal Information: Surname/Name: **** **** Adress: Andria76123Italy Mobile: **** Email: ****_**** Citizenship RomaniaBorn 27 01 1982Sex f Residency Italy Employement desired/Sector professional :GraphicsSecretaryBaby sitterMerchante Experience: Grafics LDA of Antonio and Domenico Luzzi via Corato Km 37.500 Andria(BT) Teacherschool mistress Merchante Education/Schools: Colegio Pedagogical 19962001 University from Jurisprudence 20012005 Capacity and technical skills:printerlaserplotter Capacity IT:Padronanza InternetMicrosoft OfficeMicrosoft WoardAdobe ProductsAICorel Draw Windows Other capacity: EnterprisingSeriouseDemanding with imagination and ideas Mother language:Romanian Other language:Order:1.Italian 2.English 3. French Hobby: ReadPhotografyInternetTravelGraphics Other skills and abilities includingsefless futher information Collaborator screen printerspublicity Agent Antonio Paradiso 20102011information :


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