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Institut Pierre Gilles de Gennes (IPGG), Institut Curie (Paris) Activity Sector Research Date September 2016-May 2017
Job title Research Engineer
Job description Microfabrication for Microfluidics. Technological support for the activities of the lab: image
processing scripts, data analysis, 3D STL printing, prototyping, micro-scale imaging.
Name and address of the employer Institut Pierre Gilles de Gennes (IPGG), Institut Curie (Paris)
Activity Sector Research

Date February 2016-July 2016
Job title Internship stagiaire
Job description Master’ s degree thesis preparation about microfluidic devices. Subject of the thesis: ”In vitro neuronal morphologies: towards 3D imaging”. Microfabrication and optical measurements; image
processing, data analysis, neuron culture in-vitro.
Name and address of the employer Kentstrapper, Firenze, Italy
Activity Sector Precision mechanics

Date January 2014
Job title Operaio livello 3
Job description Brief collaboration of 2 weeks with the 3D printer making company.
Name and address of the employer G.D. S.p.A., Bologna, Italy
Activity Sector Precision mechanics

Date February 2010-March 2010
Job title Trainee
Job description In charge of updating the ISO-UNI-EN regulations on raw steel materials. Updated the company’ s database with new data.
Note Training expected by the Bachelor Degree’ s program
Name and address of the employer Bonfiglioli Riduttori S.p.A., Bologna, Italy
Activity Sector Precision mechanics

Date January 2010-February 2010
Job title Trainee
Job description Helping in conducting interviews to the various business sectors Chiefs, in order to test a new internal valutation method.
Note Training expected by the Bachelor Degree’ s program
Desired working sector R&D

Education and Formation
Date December 2016
Title of Diploma/Qualification Master’ s degree – Physics
Place Universita degli studi di Ferrara `
Final degree mark 97/110
Subjects and skills learned Advanced modern Physics. Medical Physics curriculum: theory, laboratory (imaging systems
calibration/performance test, x-ray, CT, SPECT), Dosimetry. Electron Microscopy physics (SEM, TEM).
Fabrication of Semiconductor structures for Particle Channeling.
Details Title of the thesis: ”In vitro neuronal morphologies: towards 3D imaging”. Supervisors: Dott.
Catherine Villard, Dott. Celine Braini
Thesis abstract I have shown that the resolution of a novel cell volume measurement technique (Fluorescence
eXclusion Method, fXm), based on microfluidic chambers, improves if the molds for fabricating the
PDMS microfluidic chambers are made by silicon photolitography, instead of micro-milling a brass

Date October 2013
Title of Diploma/Qualification Bachelor’ s degree, Innovative Physical Technologies
Place Universita degli studi di Ferrara `
Final degree mark 94/110
Subjects and skills learned Solid knowledge base in Physics and Technology. Approach to the world of industry. Classical
physics, modern physics, elements of quantum physics, applied physics, solid state physics, semiconductor
physics, condensed matter physics. CAD/CAM use. Scientific C programming, networks.
Industrial management and microeconomy.
Details Title of the thesis: “Study and realization of the SiPM-based readout system for the Upgrade of
the muon detector of the LHCb experiment”.
Supervisors: Dott. Massimiliano Fiorini, Dott. Mirco Andreotti, Dott. Wander Baldini
Thesis abstract Some basic parameters needed for the characterization of an innovative muon detector prototype
have been calculated within the ROOT C++ framework, on the basis of data acquired from a
prototype detector based on SiPMs and scintillators. Such detector will be part of the LHC
Upgrade, inside the LHCb experiment.

Technical skills and competences
– Advanced knowledge of various areas of modern Physics.
– Analysis and mathematical modelisation of physical problems.
– Programming.
– Laboratory skills.
– Technological support for Companies and Authorities.
– Image processing.
– Instrumentation for high-energy physics laboratories.
– Dosimetry.
– Monte Carlo simulations.
– Hammamatsu SiPM (Silicon Photomultipliers).
– Medical Imaging systems use, calibration, and perfomance measurements: X-ray imagers,
CT, PET imagers, SPECT imagers.
– XRD diffractometer use.
– Optical/mechanical Profilometer.
– Clean room: Silicon UV and Laser photolitography.
– Fluorescence video microscope use (Incubator videomicroscope, Spinning disk microscope,
– Microfluidic chips design and fabrication.
– Plasma surface treatments.
– Neuronal cells cultivation (neurons, glial).
– 2D/3D CAD design.
– STL Stereolitography 3D printing.
– COC hot embossing.
– Laser UV photolitography (DILASE 3000).
– Patent search.
– Professional scientific writing with LaTeX.
– Slideshow preparation and interpretation.
– Building, programming and use of CNC mills and 3D printers.
– Design and simulation, production, repair of simple PCB electronic boards for robotics,
– Do it yourself electronic devices production.
– Integrated Circuits use (MCU, ICs, some FPGA).
– Mechatronic apparatuses integration.
Information Technology skills
and competences

Programming languages
– C/C++ (microcontrollers, generic)
– mBed, Processing, Arduino
– LaTeX (also: pgfplots, tikz)
– Mathematica 10
– G-code / Gerber
– ImageJ scripting

Very good practice Secondary use
ImageJ Inkscape
Mathematica Wireshark
TexShop nmap
CATIA V5 Matlab
Veeco Vision LinuxCNC
Processing Slicr, Repetier
MetaMorph (microscope control) OpenOffice, Office
Makefile OpenSCAD
”High-resolution Volume Imaging of Neurons by the Use of Fluorescence EXclusion Method and
Dedicated Microfluidic Devices”, JoVE, November 2017. Co-author.

European level(*)
Understanding Speaking Writing
Listening Reading Spoken
Italian Moth. tongue Moth. tongue Moth. tongue Moth. tongue Moth. tongue
English B1 B1 B1 B1 B1
French Good Fair Good Fair Fair
(*)Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level
Certificates Cambridge B1

Other skills and competences
Social skills and competences Communication skills (inside and outside workplace); exposition and presentation skills. Clear
explanations, simple outline for complex subjects.
Organizing skills and competences Team collaboration skills; group stress relief; delivery date fulfilling; short and long term planning
capabilities. Workplan outlining. Knowledge merging.
Website I collect here my electronics projects and data.
Artistical skills and competences Very critical and fine musical ear. A little playing drums, acoustic bass.
Driving License Cat. B license

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