Figura professionale: Curriculum di TACCHI PAOLA

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RESUME **** **** May 2011 Email: pt.******** Address: Roma Via delle Albizzie 24 00172 H: 06/2413100 C: **** Italian Nationality ORGANIZZATIONAL and RELATIONAL SKILLS: Luxury Goods and Hospitality Industry sector Saleperson Customer Relationship Marketing General Service PR Charming sense of hospitality and high level of personal presentation Strong customercare skills Experienced in working in multicultural environments Enthusiast and Proactive Strong positive thinker and effective team player Excellent communication analytical negotiation ability Value people build strong positive relationships and treat others with respect Honest reliable work ethic willingness to learn LANGUAGE SKILLS: Italian: Native language English: Excellent; spoken and written Spanish: Fair PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: March 2009 March 30 2011 RENAISSANCE VINEYARD & WINERY Address: 12585 Rices Crossing Road Oregon House CA USA 95962 Phone: +(530) 5751254 1 800 6553277 Donald Rice (General Manager) C: +5303004425 Events Organization Marketing and Sales Retail Tasting Room Sales Associate Wine Events and Garden Tour Customers care & Fidelization programs Social Media; daily maintenance Advertising & Marketing ACT Database daily routine. By being Italian I do have a warm hospitality in essence and people loves my accent. Positive and active I like personal approach to sell and above all offer to people all the best to make their experience unforgettable. December 7th 2009 December 6th 2010 Google/WorkforceLocig llc Address: 1600 Amphiteatre Parkway Mountain View CA 94043 USA Phone: 650 2144059 Amanda Law (Client Services Specialist) For employment verification please call: 707.939.4300 Pamada Kittipongtonr Client service Specialist WorkforceLogic On site@ Google 650.253.34402 Ads Quality Rater English and Italian Language Ads Quality Rater Evaluator Italian/English Google web sites. April 2007 / August 2008 VALENTINA FINE ITALIAN HOSIERY USA Manager: Valentina **** Sergey Troschenko Ph.: +530.300.3975 Sales representative Working with prospecting customers Telemarketing and followups Opening/closing sales Participation to fashion trade shows My role supported the creation of brands trust giving a flavor of Italian authenticity. April 2007 to October 2007 INERGETIX INC. ENERGY INFORMATION Inergetix Inc. 9216 Marysville Rd. Oregon House CA 95962 USA. Manager: Kiran Schmidt; Clerk Nora Gutierrez. Phone: 5306929224 Fine PowerPoint Presentations Art Director Creating artwork for various formats such as: print and outdoor media collateral direct mail and invitation logo identity brochures and PowerPoint presentation. Route comps within advertising department for review and collaboration with the printer. The presentations in Power Point where shown throughout seminars and conferences all around the world. They received numerous compliments for creativity and beauty and definitely contributed to the increase in the number of total sales with the Core System. June 2006 to April 2007 NON PROFIT EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION Address: 12587 Rices Crossing Road Oregon House CA 95962 Manager: Corinne Mott Phone: 530.692.8627 Events Organizer Team Work with a customer database on daily bases using the computer programs Access and Microsoft Word. Taking reservations making telephone calls follow ups writing letters and emails. My contribution created excellent relationships with the customers. EDUCATION/TRAINING UPTER University Rome Italy October to December 2008 Teaching Italian language to foreign students Certification. October to November 2007 PROMETEO School of Computing Rome Italy Adobe Illustrator software program for Graphic Design Certification. April to May 2007 Power Point software program Template Graphic Design Communication. Certification. European Institute of Design Rome Italy Graphic Designer School of Artists Silvio dAmico Rome Italy 5 Years of study Graduation. Software/System Skills Proficient as researcher seller buyer and online work MAC platform (In Design Photoshop Illustrator) Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. Recommendation letters upon request. Thank you for your attention. Best regards **** ****


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