Figura professionale: Ricercatrice universitaria

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Ricercatrice universitaria


 Current position
Oct. 2009 – now Associate Researcher at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet
 (LMU) in Munich(Germany)

Previous positions
Jan. 2007 – Sep. 2009 Associate Researcher at Max Plank Institute for Physics
(MPI) in Munich (Germany)

Aug. 2006 – Sep. 2006 Guest scientist at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
(UFRJ), Brazil

Oct. 2001 – Dec. 2006 Ph.d Student at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
(EPFL), Switzerland

Sep. 2000 – Sep. 2001 Software developer at Telecom Italia Lab in the Internet
services and Multimedia division, Turin (Italy)

Feb. 2000 – Apr. 2000 Guest scientist at Fermilab National Accelerator Laboratory
(FNAL), Chicago (USA)


Sep. 2006 Ph. D. in Physics at EPFL. Evaluated by a jury of international
experts among the 5% best theses at EPFL in 2006. Thesis title:
‘Contribution to the Development of the LHCb acquisition
electronics and Study of polarized radiative b decays’

Jul. 2000 Diploma (Laurea) in Physics (2000) at University of Turin.
Full mark and honor. Diploma title: ‘Formation of the state hc
of charmonium in the reaction pp hc  c    4K ’

Jul. 1994 Diploma di maturità scientifica (1994) at Liceo Scientifico di
Stato G. Segrè (Turin, Italy), Full mark

Jun. 1993 High School Graduation (1993) at West Ouachita High School
in West Monroe (LA, USA)
Additional courses

Aug. 2017 Third International Summer School for Big Data at the Technical
University of Munich (TUM) in Garching (Germany)

2001 – 2005 Physics Post-graduate lectures (Troisième Cycle de la Physique en Suisse
Romande), Switzerland

Mar. 2004 Second Physics Transalpin seminar – Astronomy and Cosmology
in Dolomieu (France)

Aug. 2002 European school of High-Energy Physics in Pylos (Greece)

Mar. 2002 Texas Instruments DSP/BIOS 3.5 Days Design Workshop in Paris (France)

Dec. 2001 Texas Instruments DSP C6711 1 Day Workshop at the EPFL
Awards and Grants

2007 Winner of Prospective Researcher Fellowship from the Swiss National
Science Foundation

2006 Winner of High Energy Latin-American European Network (HELEN)

1993 Winner of Louisiana State Superintendent's Writing Award

English fluent German good (C1 level)
French fluent Italian mother tongue

Teaching experience
2007 – now Supervision of several Ph.D. (5), master (3), bachelor and summer
(10+) students at LMU and MPI
2001 – 2006 Assistant for the following lectures: Experimental high energy physics (Prof.
Aurelio Bay), Nuclear Physics (Prof. Olivier Schneider), and Particle Physics
(Prof. Oliver Schneider) at EPFL

Computing skills
Operating systems Windows, Linux/Unix
Big data Hadoop, Kibana, Graphana, Jupyter, ElasticSearch, Spark
Machine Learning Keras, sklearn, MLlib
Programming C/C++, Perl, Python, Visual Basic, Java, Assembler, Fortran
Internet HTML, XML, XSL/XSLT, XHTML, CSS, Djiango, CGI/bin
Distributed Computing EGEE, gLite
Databases mySQL
Scientific packages Mathematica, Root, Paw
Altera FPGA HDL Designer, ModelSim, Leonardo, Quartus
Texas Instruments DSP Code Composer Studio
Hardware Controlling I2C, PVSS, VME

Scientific Activities and Responsibilities
Distributed computing
Jul. 2017 – now Coordinator of ATLAS distributed computing Analytics and
Monitoring working group
Mar. 2013 – now Coordinator of ATLAS distributed analysis
May 2010 – now DevOps for HammerCloud, a testing service for distributed
computing resources
Jan. 2016 – Feb. 2017 Project leader of HammerCloud for ATLAS
Physics Analysis
Oct. 2012 – now Coordinator of the analysis group for electroweak production of
supersymmetric particles in final states with tau leptons in
Jan. 2012 – Oct. 2014 Group leader at LMU for searches for Supersymmetry (SUSY)
with the ATLAS detector
2007 – 2017 Strong involvement in the ATLAS SUSY group, including
service tasks such as physics validation and group production.
Major contributions to several scientific ATLAS publications as
editor, editorial board member or chair.
2004 – 2006 Study of the photon polarization measurement in b
decays with LHCb
2003 Contribution to the development of the L1 trigger for LHCb
2000 Participation to the installation, commissioning and data taking
of E835. Analysis of the decay mode hc c   4K
Detector development
Jan. 2007 – Sep. 2009 Project leader for super-MDT R&D: Monitored Drift Tube
chambers for the high luminosity upgrade of the LHC
2001 – 2003 Contribution to the design of the off-detector read-out
electronics for LHCb

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