Figura professionale: Media Relations
Nome Cognome | : C. J. | Età | : - |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
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Address: Via Mameli 22/b 21052 Busto Arsizio (VA) Telephone: (+39) 339/7612860 Email: ****.**** Linked In:******** Nationality: Italian
Date Of Birth: 30/06/1979
Latest Experience
Dates (fromto): September 2011 Today Name and city of employer: Vodafone Italy Type of Business: TLC Occupation or position held: Media Relations and Corporate Communication Senior Specialist Main Activities and responsibility: Media Relations
Previous Experience (1):
Dates (fromto): March 2010 August 2011 Name and city of employer: Burson Marsteller Type of Business: Public Relations Press Office (IT) Occupation or position held: Associate Awards: In charge of the project Games Week Milano the first Italian videogames exhibition winner of the ASSOREL award for Best Corporate Communication in 2011.
Previous Experience (2)
Dates (fromto): February 2008 March 2010 Name and city of employer: AIGO Comunicazione Type of Business: Public Relations Press Office (Tourism Luxury) Occupation or position held: Account Executive
Previous Experience (3)
Dates (fromto): January 2008 January 2009 Name and city of employer: EBiz Italia Type of Business: IT specialized website and weekly newsletter B2B Target Occupation or position held: Editor
Previous Experience (4)
Dates (fromto): January 2007 January 2008 Name and city of employer: Business Press Milan
**** **** Curriculum Vitae
Type of Business: Public Relations Press Office (IT) Occupation or position held: Account Executive Awards: I was in charge of developing a specific web 2.0 application for the PR resulting in Business Press Smartroom the first social media newsroom in Italy winner of the ASSOREL award for Best digital PR solution in 2008.
Previous Experience (5)
Dates (fromto): June 2004 January 2007 Name and city of employer: PR Atlantis Milan Type of Business: Public Relations Press Office Occupation or position held: Account Executive
Previous Experience (6)
Dates (fromto): January 2005 December 2005 Name and city of employer: La Prealpina Busto Arsizio (VA) Type of Business: Local Newspaper Occupation or position held: Editor
Latest Degree
Dates (from to): April 2002 March 2004 Name and type of organization providing education and training: IULM University of Languages and Communication Principal subjects/occupational skills covered: Marketing communication (radio TV cinema Web book trade) Journalism. Title of qualification awarded: Masters degree in Journalism Publishing and Multimedia Communication Degree Thesis: Cinema consumption in Italy: perception of genres and choices of consumers (final evaluation:110 out of 110)
Previous Degree
Dates (from to): September 1998 March 2002 Name and type of organization providing education and training: IULM University of Languages and Communication Principal subjects/occupational skills covered: Marketing and languages of mass media (radio TV cinema Web book trade) Title of qualification awarded: Degree in Communication Degree Thesis: Lars von Triers movies and his Dogme (final evaluation: 102 out of 110)
**** ****
Curriculum Vitae
Reading skills: Excellent Writing skills: Excellent Verbal skills: Excellent French:
Reading skills: Excellent Writing skills: Scholastic Verbal skills: Scholastic
Excellent Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word Excel Explorer Power Point) Good knowledge of the most important operating systems: Windows and Mac OS Good knowledge of web 2.0 development platforms
Im a communication specialist for mass media: passionate and skilled writer Im interested in videogames cinema sports and music. I have a 7 years experience in Media Relations.
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