Figura professionale: Consulent

Nome Cognome: A. D.Età: 28
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Economia / Finanza / Assicurazioni
Sede preferita: Athens

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EDUCATION                         – Polytechnic University of Turin Turin, Italy

                                               Department of Architecture and Design (2015-) studying 1 year/pending

 -Harry Fultz Institute  Tirana, Albania

 Electronics program (2016-2018)

                                               BMET (Biomedical equipment technician) Certificate

LANGUAGES                       Italian, english, french and having some knowledges in german and greek

WORK’S EXPERIENCE         Recall Gr. Forex/trading online (6 months/Italian language) Tirana, Albania

                                        Auto insurance (4 months/Italian language) Tirana, Albani


I have spent the first years of my life in Greece, cause my family migrated there in 1999 when I was only 3. I lived in different places in Greece including Thessalouniki, Athens, Poros et. because of my father’s work, he is a gutters installer. At the age of 10 I and my twin brother moved to Albania while my 2 bigger siblings stayed in Greece (school occupation). Every summer I worked in Greece as a pizza maker and waiter. In 2014 after finishing the high school in Albania I moved in Turin, Italy to continue the studies at Architecture and Design Department. I haven’t finished yet the studies there because of my return in Albania having some familiar problems, but as soon as possible depending on opportunities I will finish the studies. After that I continued the studies a the “Harry Fultz” Institute in Tirana on electronics program. I started to draw  whe I was 5 years old, painting different things, but when I grew up I understood that I liked more on designing buildings,cars etc. At the school I was always involed in different activities as theater on directing and writing scenarios for some little shows. On the free time I write short artichles about social life, geography and tourism for a little online website. I also like geography and motorcycles!

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