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CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL INFORMATION Name Miss **** **** Home address 9 Mill Court Carronshore Falkirk FK2 8FG Telephone 07761717146 Email ******** Nationality Italian Date and place of birth Cassino Italy 11.07.1984 WORK EXPERIENCE Dates February 2010 February 2011 Name of **** **** 147 High Street Linlithgow Scotland Employer Type of Fish and Chips Take away Golden chip business Occupation or Position held Manager Fried Main activities multiple roles and food preparation Dates May 2009 January 2010 Name of Aldo Tomolillo 110 Stirling Street Denny Scotland Employer Type of Food take away Golden Chip Business Occupation or Prepation food and food counter assistant Position held Main activities Preparation food Dates December 2007 December 2008 Name of National Civil Service Italy Employer Type of Social Worker Sector Occupation Social Assistant Main activities Handicapped assistance Dates June 2003 September 2007 Name of Employer Restaurant Italy Type of Preparation food business Occupation Chef Main activities Preparation specialty Italian food EDUCATION AND TRAINING Date 2004 2007 Name education University Study Cassino Social Services Italy Title of qualification Bachelors Degree Social Worker awarded PERSONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES Mother tongue ITALIAN Other languages ENGLISH Reading Good Writing Good Spoken Good Technical skills Excellent knowledge of Office packages (Word Excel Access) and competences Internet Explorer and email Driving licence B car owner I authorise the use of my personal data according to Legislative Decree N196/03


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