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MARIA GIUSEPPINA **** Born in Ferrandina The 07/05/1978 Resident in Ferrandina Via Nicholas Green 185 home Tel.: 0835/555632 Mobile: ****email: mariapina**** Training and Studies Training in International Culinary School CIA St.HelenaCALIFORNIA; Certificate of Food andBeverages recognized byPotenza city Italy;Certificate issued by Ilus Food srl Potenza ;Master in Hospitality Management (XXesima edition) organized by Tourism Consultant and Master Team at the headquarters of Castelbrando Cison di Valmarino Treviso.(Full time 11mesi) with specialization in Food and Beverage Vigitello Fabio F & B Manager included school of wines by Dr. Eleanor Endrici. Graduated in Philosophy and Literature with specialization in Operator in Restoration of CulturalDemoEthnoAnthropological Thesis in Anthropologyvisual tradition of the Easter Holy Week in the photograph with final grade 104/110. Achievement of nine tests in English and French at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures of BariItaly Scientific Liceum obtained at the high school administration "Dante Alighieri" Ferrandina.Italy Knowledge of Languages ITALIAN mother tongue ENGLISH FRENCH SPANISH Good enough understanding and speaking the GREEKComputer skills Operating system Windows XP Windows 2000 Windows Vista Apple Software MS Word MS Excel MS Power Point MS Access MS Outlook Photoshop Easy Meal Hotel + + Method. Internet Explorer browser Netscape. Other design collaboration of the university site Visual Anthropology. PROFESSIONAL CAREERLine Cook of first courses in Hotel Amigo The Rocco Forte Hotel Collection Bocconi Italian Restaurant Brussels Belgium.Sous chef for Italian restaurant Alinda Leros Greece. Line cook for Italian restaurant Alinda Leros Greece. Cook line ** Michelin kitchen at Restaurant "La Capinera" Taormina Italy Chef Assistant for The world of Flavour 2008 at The International Culinary School of America CIA St.Francisco CA. Line cook for"Rossopomodoro Ristorante Pizzeria Napoletana Potenza under the guidance of Enzo De Angelis F & B Manager Rossopomodoro Italy. "Hilton Nova Jardin Resorts Castellaneta Marina Taranto. Assistant Food and Beverage Manager and catering cook line for hotel Alborea ***** L Kalidria Il Valentino Hotel Village **** ***** Congress Center Calane ****. Banqueting and Catering Cook Responsible for event Fed Cup by BNP Paribas Castellaneta Marina 14 to 15 July 2007 in collaboration with the Executive Chef Vito Semeraro NIC (National Italian Chefs). Winter Universiade in Turin. Cook Crew in collaboration with the external management of the Rocco Forte Hotel Sardinia. Bargirl breakfast evening cocktails bartender La Salette Ferrandina Mt Hotel Planibel "Tivigest" at La Thuile Valle dAosta. Internship in Hospitality HOTELLERIE. Help dishwasherCommission of the room and alongside the Chef de Rang. Other work experiences: 20062000 SIC (Sit Incoming Agency and Congress) Matera. Hostess / translator / Pr Organising events and banquets. Presentation brochure in food and wine culture. Simultaneous translation guests. 20001998 SIC (Sit Incoming Agency and Congress) Matera. Hostess / Translator Welcoming guests at conferences coffee breaks coordinator 19981985 Food And Beverage Crew at Villages in the resort of Metaponto. Organising exhibitions and First Hostess events and summer shows for Campari Martini & Rossi Bacardi Events Food Service Four fried. Personal aspirations Being able to guarantee the normal operation sequences of the Food & Beverage increasing standards of quality with the Passion for this work. REFERENCES: Director of the Master in Hospitality Management Dr Mangiardi cell.3485198737; Food and Beverage Manager Rossopomodoro Group Sebeto Vincenzo De Angelis cell.3939619285; Palmiro Luciano Manager Harry s Bar Restaurant Art cell.3494289242 Michelin Star Chef Carmelo Chiaramonte 339 4444055 Modica Spata Salvo Restaurant Manager Alinda Leros Greece 340776677

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