Figura professionale: CV di R. M.

Nome Cognome: R. M.Età: -
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Settore Generale / Concorsi
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Date of birth: 22.9.44. Degree in Mechanical Engineering achieved by Polythecnic of Milan in 1969.He lived for a wide part of his life in contact with pilots airports and aircrafts as his father was a military pilot officer. Further he has attended for five years the courses of Oxford School of Milan (Pitman proficiency II) (known since 45 years) for the English language and three years of course for German language (known since 35 years) (European School and Philological Circle of Milan). Course of 3 years in Brazilian Centrum in Milan (known since 25 years). Spanish known from over 50 years. He has worked as professional man in technical translations for many Companies of Milan Hinterland and also for other Companies located abroad.

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