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**** **** Place and date of birth: SantOmero (Teramo) Italy November 6th 1986 Current address: via Indipendenza 38 64016 SantEgidio alla Vibrata (Teramo) Italy Email: ****.**** Mobile phone contact: **** EDUCATION August 2011 UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX Colchester (England) Preparatory English Programme IELTS certification March 2011 UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA Bologna UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE IN ECONOMY AND FINANCE MASTERS DEGREE IN FINANCE INTERMEDIARIES AND MARKETS Final vote: 107/110 Interest areas: Finance Banking Corporate governance Pricing Taxation Thesis title: "Ricerca e Sviluppo evidenze empiriche e modelli di valutazione" (Research and development empirical evidences and valuation models) July 2005 ITCG UMBERTO I Ascoli Piceno Expert commercial accountant and programmer Vote: 100/100 LANGUAGES AND TRAINING Languages Italian: native speaker English: fluent writing and speaking (IELTS certification) Franch: base user Computer competencies Professional knowledge of the Office pakage (Word PowerPoint Excel) Professional knowledge of econometric languages (Stata Gretl) Excellent knowledge of based programming languages (SQL C++ Pascal Cobol Visual Basic) Other competencies Threeyear license of MUSIC THEORY and SOLFEGGIO (achieved at the Conservatory of music "G. Rossini" Pesaro Italy) OTHER INFORMATION Availability of transfer: total Sport: soccer 5 gym (strengthening and aerobics) Hobbies: collecting films travel PUBLICATIONS **** **** Andi Duqi and Torluccio Giuseppe An Analysis of the R&D Effect on Stock Returns for European Listed Firms European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450216X Vol.58 No.4 (2011) pp.482496


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