Figura professionale: Dottorato di Ricerca in Tecnologie Biomediche in Medicina Clinica
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20072011 MSc in Molecular and cellular medical Biotechnology
My MSc strongly focused on Human molecular genetics Biotechnological diagnostics and Molecular and cellular pathology to be applied on research and technological development to have knowledge and competences in the diagnostic bioengineering therapeutical biotechnological reproduction and production ambits. Sapienza University of Rome provided with the theoretical education.
The master thesis consisted in an experimental research conducted during a 2 years internship at the University of Cordoba Spain IMIBI : Maimonides Biomedical Research Institute of CordobaReina Sofia University Hospital (Lipid and Atherosclerosis Unit Department of Medicine)
My dissertation title was: Effect of the Mediterranean diet on the postprandial inflammatory response: analysis of predictive medicine and nutrigenomics.
2007 Erasmus Programme
I was an exchange student and guest researcher at the University of Cordoba Spain.
(refer to Internship for more details).
20022006 BSc in Biotechnology
I gained knowledge of molecular biology chemistry medicine and pharmacy. Education and training were provided by Sapienza University of Rome. My training was conducted at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology Vittorio Erspamer situated inside the Campus University Sapienza.
My experimental thesis title was: Role of the route of Wnt on neuronal damage induced Amyloidbeta Peptide and Alzheimers Disease.
2011 PhD Student
I am a PhD student in Biomedical Technologies in Clinical Medicine at the Department of Internal Medicine (Policlinico Umberto I) Sapienza University of Rome.
My research focuses on cardiovascular disease obesity and metabolic syndrome.
A relevant part of my work consisted of detection of selected genetic patterns for Future therapeutic options.
2008 Internship
I did a 2years internship at the Lipid and Atherosclerosis Unit Department of Medicine (IMIBIC:Maimonides Biomedical Research Institute of Cordoba Spain) were i researched on various aspects of etiopathogenesis diagnosis prognosis prevention and treatment related to Obesity Metabolic Syndrome and its main complication cardiovascular disease.
I also gained experience of DNA isolation separation and characterization of lipoprotein subunits by Ficoll gradient ELISA RealTime PCR (TaqMan probes).
Skills and competences
Italian mother tongue
English: Basic
Spanish: Excellent Written: Excellent Oral: Excellent
Technical skills and competences
DNA isolation
Separation and characterization of lipoprotein subunits by Ficoll gradient
ELISA ( EnzymeLinked ImmunoSorbent Assay)
RealTime PCR
Real Time PCR (TaqMan Genotyping Assay)
Experience in cell culture
Computer skills and competences
Microsoft Office Word Excel and Power Point.
Applied Biosystems Analyst software.
SPSS programs for statistical analysis in social science
Database design for clinical research
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