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Curriculum Vitae Personal information Name: **** **** Address: Via G.Falcone 30 Baronissi (SA) Italy Email: **** ; ****;; Telephone number: 089 878546 Mobile phone: +39 **** Nationality: Italian Date of birth: 07011986 Working experience 04/11 to the present Ariston Thermo Group R&D Heating Unit Activity: research and new products development. Strongly focused on Microcogeneration: Project leader in EFESO whose activities are aimed to realize 4 prototypes of mCHP with SOFC technology. Several roles in other projects involving system integration and development of new components for: boilers solar thermal heat pumps electrical/gas water heater storages mCHP with ICE and heating systems in general. 02/11 to the present PhD Student at the University of Salerno. Research fields: Fuel cells solid oxide FC and BoP modeling reforming technologies (mainly steam reforming and CPOx) fault diagnosis activity study of degradation phenomena affecting stack and FC system components SOFC integrated in mCHP for cogeneration purpose. 11/10 01/11 Research fellow at the University of Salerno. Research fields: Fuel cells automotive engines alternative propulsion systems modeling and optimization of energy systems hybrid solar vehicles lithium batteries and HEV vehicles. 04/10 10/10 Visiting Scholar at The Ohio State University in Center for Automotive Research (CAR). Activity: research in battery aging and life estimation of Liion batteries under realworld driving condition for PHEVs electric vehicle control strategy large scale Montecarlo simulations. 9/0912/09 Internship at University of Salerno Department of Mechanical Engineering Lab I5. Activity : study of the cooling system layout of PEM Fuel Cell System. Teaching Mathematics to secondary school students as part of the Progetto Pitagora financed by the Council of Baronissi. Education 02/10 masters degree in Mechanical Engineering awarded at University of Salerno; final grade 110/110 with honours. Thesis (in English): Fault Tree Analysis and development of a Fault Detection and Isolation scheme for SOFC systems. 11/07 bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering awarded at University of Salerno; final grade 110/110 with honours. Thesis : Simulation 1D of the gas exchange phase in a gasoline ICE. 2004 Liceo scientifco "G.Da Procida" Salerno. High school certificate final grade 100/100. Personal skills and competences Languages Mother tongue: Italian English: excellent reading writing speaking and listening skills Spanish: good working knowledge Information Technology Competent with Windows Linux Microsoft applications (Word Excel Power Point Access Visio) technical computing language and interactive environment for algorithm development (Matlab Simulink Mathematica CPL C Dymola) software application for 2D and 3D design and drafting (Autocad Solid Works) thermofluid dynamical analysis (Ansys) control software (LabView) virtual engine simulation tools (Boost) document preparation system (Latex) business management software (SAP). Technical skills Excellent knowledge of systems modeling concerning automotive engines power plants energy systems fuel cells and systems fault diagnosis. Good knowledge of alternative propulsion systems gas and steam turbines electric vehicles hybrid electric and solar vehicles photovoltaic systems sustainable mobility heating and DHW systems microcogeneration with different technologies. Interested in fluid dynamics thermodynamics air conditioning electric systems mechanical design project management. The topic of master thesis is fault diagnosis in SOFC systems. Personal skills Good team worker excellent organization and communication skills willingness to travel. Additional information Congress Publications I. Arsie A. **** D. Marra C. Pianese M. Sorrentino. Fault Tree Analysis aimed to design and implement onfield Fault Detection and Isolation schemes for SOFC systems. ASME Eighth International Fuel Cell Engineering Conference June 2010 New York USA A. **** S. Stockar S. Onori M. Canova Y. Guezennec ModelBased Life Estimation of Liion Batteries in PHEVs Using Large Scale Vehicle Simulations: An Introductory Study. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC) Lille 2010 Northern France Hobbies Sports: football (soccer) played at semiprofessional level swimming running. Travelling driving license Italian "Patente B" Ohio driving license. I consent to the computer storage and processing of my personal information.


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