Figura professionale: Economia e finanza

Nome Cognome: I. P.Età: 33
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Economia / Finanza / Assicurazioni
Sede preferita: Milano

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Economia e finanza


07/04/2015–07/10/2015 Stage in Accounting -UNICREDIT (Piazza Gae Aulenti)
Milan (Italy)
Themes: the credit quality ; accounting policies ( IAS / IFRS,EBA, ESMA, ECB, EDTF, etc.);
Information on securitization (SPV, an investment fund) and consolidated financial statements. The
activities have been carried out through the use of information tools of office automation such as Excel
and Word as well as tools group (Tagetik)

03/10/2016–31/03/2017 Stage in Financial Services Operations – MEDIOBANCA
Milan (Italy)
The Financial Services Operations Unit has the following responsibilities:
– identifying and defining specific methodologies for verifying the market parameters
used to value instruments which present a risk profile for the Bank and the respective
escalation thresholds;
– identifying and defining specific methodologies for verifying Fair Value by reconciling
the valuations of collateralized positions made by Mediobanca and its counterparties
and the respective escalation thresholds;
– preparing and distributing a series of monitoring reports for the various company units.

01/04/2017–25/06/2017 Stage in Admission – BORSA ITALIANA
Milan (Italy)
The stage at the MTF (Multilateral Trading Facility – MTF) provides:
– analysis of financial instruments and the admission requirements for the trading of financial
– the preparation of product sheets on the analyzed financial instruments;
– the census and quality control of personal data related to financial instruments.


01/09/2006–01/07/2011 Linguistic high-school diploma
Institute "De Rogatis", Cagnano Varano (Italy)
Languages: English, French, Spanish

01/10/2011–24/07/2014 Bachelor's degree in Economics and Finance
University G. D'Annunzio, Pescara (Italy)
Analysis of markets and Investment, financial risk management,evaluation of instruments and
derivatives, connected to banking activities, interest rate and liquidity, a framework of multidisciplinary
knowledge under the economic profile and legal,management, marketing, quality control, and human
resource management.

01/10/2014–21/07/2017 Master's degree in Economics and Finance
University of Milan-Bicocca, Milano (Italy)
Derivatives , Portfolio theory, Dynamic asset pricing, Corporate finance, Econometrics , Bank
management, Investment banking, Financial markets law, Economics and finance of the global
markets, Asset liability managemet

Mother tongue(s) Italian
Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
English C1 B2 B2 C1 C1
French C1 B2 C1 B2 B2
Spanish C1 B2 C1 B2 C1
Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user – B1 and B2: Independent user – C1 and C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Communication skills Excellent ability to adapt to multicultural environments and a natural predisposition to teamwork.
Aptitude to work towards goals, good communication and organizational skills, precision, high
flexibility. Wide propensity to international mobility
Organisational / managerial skills ▪ Good team – leading skills acquired during my experience as team leader of a women's volleyball

Digital competence ▪ Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office tools ( word processor , spreadsheet , presentation
software ) , using Excel , PowerPoint and Word Good knowledge and use of the Microsoft
Windows operating systems Good Knowledge and use of Programs Linked to the statistical
analysis (Gretl)
Driving licence B1

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