Figura professionale: Administrative assistant

Nome Cognome: S. K.Età: 45
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Sede preferita: Administrative assistant

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Administrative assistant


30 Mar 2015–31 Jan 2017 Assistant to Project Manager (European Parliament / Directorate General of
European Parliament, Brussels (Belgium)
▪ Agenda management, setting of meetings and time management;
▪ Managing stakeholders’ relationships and communication;
▪ Participated in meetings, kept the minutes, created summary reports and actively assisted in the
presentations creation;
▪ Organised office operations and procedures;
▪ Organised meetings, events and dealt with the logistics.

Jul 2008–Aug 2014 Editorial Assistant to Chief Editor (European Commission /Directorate General of
Intrasoft International & U-sentric
▪ Organising the agenda of the Chief Editor;
▪ Participating in meetings, keeping the minutes and reporting to the manager;
▪ Disseminated public relations materials that increased visibility among stakeholders ;
▪ Arranging client meetings and presentations as well as internal staff meetings;
▪ Contribute to the preparation of briefings and other documents ;
▪ Providing support in all stages;
▪ Monitoring the news from all the EU institutions and Agencies in daily base;
▪ Coordination of translations content into 23 languages;

Mar 2008–Jun 2008 Junior Editor – Assistant to senior Journalist (Schuman Scholarship for young
European Parliament
▪ Organised the daily agenda and meetings;
▪ Worked for the Greek Headline page of the website: wrote stories in Greek and compossed draft
texts in English;
▪ Attended parliamentary debates and votes in committees meetings, as well as in Plenary sessions
(Brussels and Strasbourg), transcribed and summarised political speeches;
▪ Translated and drafted articles;
▪ Assisted in interviews, transcribed the recordings and selected the most important quotes;
▪ Conducted content research for the 2009 Election website, facts and figures for EU countries,
especially Greece and Cyprus;

Feb 2007–Feb 2008 Parliamentary Assistant to Members of the European Parliament Marios Matsakis
and Georgios Georgiou (Cyprus)
European Parliament
▪ Organised the daily agenda, meetings and flight arrangements;
▪ Had overview of the email account and screened emails;
▪ Organising MEP's interviews with TV channels, websites and newspapers;
▪ Press releases writing, following the procedures of the Foreign Affairs and Petitions Committee;
▪ Researching for European Parliament documents (Adopted texts, Reports, Motions for
▪ Reports reading and outlining the most important parts;
▪ Daily monitoring of Greek and International Press, researching current affair material, if relevant;
▪ Attending the Plenary Session, following the Committees agenda;


10 Dec 2017–Present EQF level 5
Faculty of Letters, Department of French Language and Literature, National and
Kapodistrian University, Athens (Greece)

1 Oct 2007–18 Jul 2008 Certificate in Post-Graduate Programme in World Politics, Europe,
Peace Building and Conflict Resolution
EQF level 6
ULB, Brussels (Belgium)

15 Sep 2005–15 Jul 2006 Certificate in Journalism EQF level 6
Journalism School (Ergastiri), Athens (Greece)

15 Sep 1999–31 Oct 2003 BA in Theology EQF level 5
Faculty of Theology, Department of Social Theology, Ethnikon kai Kapodistriakon
Panepistimion Athinon / University of Athens, Athens (Greece)

Mother tongue(s) Greek
Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
English C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
Cambridge English Proficiency (CPE), Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE)
French C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
National Foreign Language Exam System (KPG)
Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user – B1 and B2: Independent user – C1 and C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Communication skills ▪ Outstanding written and verbal communication skills
▪ Very good knowledge of digital marketing technincs
▪ Excellent in communicating in meetings, to understand and to be understood both in English and
▪ Experienced in communicating specialised information
▪ Skilled in chairing meetings, presenting issues to an audience
▪ Gifted with didactic skills.
▪ Efficient in drafting and adept negotiator
Organisational / managerial skills ▪ Exceptional knowledge and handling a communication project and setting the step by step
methodology ;
▪ Excellent understanding of the wider objectives of the program;
▪ Outstanding skills in working positively with a wide range of individuals involved in program
▪ Strong leadership and management skills;
▪ Capable of resources allocation and in finding innovative ways to resolve problems
▪ Excellent critical thinking skills and able to exercise good judgment and solve problems quickly and

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