Figura professionale: Avvocato

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Date Dec.-1999

 University  Universidad de Carabobo – Valencia (Venezuela) Faculty of Law.

Degree Lawyer

 Date Dec-2010 

University  University of Arturo Michelena – Faculty of Law.

Degree Specialist in procedural labor law.

 Date July-2013

  University  National contractors service – (Caracas- Venezuela).

 Degree Specialist in public contracting and contract administration.


Language skills

Spanish: native

Italian: Written and spoken Basic Knowledge

English: Written professional knowledgeand spoken Basic Knowledge

IT Skill 

Office Automation (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook)


Contract Administration Management


Human Resource Contract Management

Claim Management

Contract negotiation

Organization Management

Problem Solving

Work Skill 

During my professional life I was involved in Construction law and any legal issue related to the construction of a building or other structure. Legal issues related to construction activities national and international were can arise under federal, state, or local laws. Federal statutes, such as workplace safety regulations and employment laws, can impose requirements on worksites and hiring practices. States may impose additional regulations on top of federal ones, which can range from safety and employment to environmental rules. City and county ordinances may impose additional restrictions on zoning and construction noise.

With all of the levels of government playing a role in construction regulation, legal issues can arise in a number of ways. Common construction-related legal disputes include workplace injuries and accidents, construction defects, contract issues, and problems with obtaining the proper planning or building permits.

As a support department of the HR field I revise  and evaluate the resumes. analyzing the skills and prepare the contract base on the employment regulations, labor law, interaction with HR and experience representing the interests of companies and employers, adding value to an organization in HR department.

I support the HR area with the key concepts and areas of expertise that I as a lawyer can transfer from legal services to HR practices include representing management interests, defending company position in employment matters and mitigating risk in HR decision-making.

 Work Practice 

DateFrom June 2017 – Actual

CompanyFree Lance Consultancy

Type of CompanyLegal / Consulting / Corporate Advice

PositionCorporate legal consultant.

Function and Responsibility

·         Provide assistance in all the legal matters and advise in legal documentation, negotiations, contracts

·         Drafting and reviewing the legal filings and drafting technically correct opinions

·         Drafting and reviewing agreements, producing technically accurate quality standard work

·         Management in contract Administration.

·         Claim Management 

DateFrom April 2015 – May 2017

CompanyPetrocasa Construcción S.A

Type of CompanyConstruction of Houses/ Procurement of materials/ Inspection

PositionContracting and legal Department manager

Function and Responsibility

·         Contract Administration of Construction from tender to contract award, through to contract execution up to the final acceptance of the work and final account. Responsible for end to end implementation of the contract administration and management of the construction Contracts from its inception to closure including, but not limited to, the financial closure.

·         Negotiation, reviewing and drafting all types of contracts and legal documents, playing a supporting and at times lead role in reviewing, drafting and advising on commercial contracts entered into by the business.

·         Supporting the PEQUIVEN Head of Legal Department

·         Managing external law firms and other professional advisors

·         Providing legal support to the business projects as required

·         Assisting the other members of the Legal Department in maintaining and growing its know-how and precedent base

Project involved:

Mancomunidad de dominica construction of 500 houses, value 12.000 KUSD

Carabobo State, construction of 3500 houses, value 16.000 KUSD

Federal District, construction of 600 houses, value 6.000 KUSD

Barinas State, construction of 500 houses, value 5.000 KUSD

 DateFrom Dec 2008 –April 2015

CompanyPetrocasa S.A

Type of CompanyManufacture of Construction Material

PositionLegal Department Corporate Manager

Function and Responsibility.

 ·         Understand the Legal context of the case or matter (past and present)

·         Define legal and business issues and goals

·         Identify primary project team members

·         Identify range of interests

·         Define success criteria

·         Define scope of project

·         Assess legal risks

·         International Negotiation, reviewing and drafting all types of contracts

·         Assistance and support for the internationalization of companies abroad and investments of foreign companies

·         Labor and Employment law and encompasses the various laws and regulations specific to HR.

·         Management of the all matter related Local, state, and federal employment laws

·         Legal Representative in case of all legal, administrative process as plaintiff or defendant

 Project involved:

EPC, of a seven factory building, value 350.000 KUSD

EPC, of a seven manufacturing plant, value 400.000 KUSD

DateFrom Dec 2004– Dec 2008

CompanyState Government Carabobo

Type of CompanyGovernment

PositionSocial DevelopmentGeneral Director

Function and Responsibility

·         Plan, coordinate and apply the public policies of the Carabobo State in the different communities, parishes or municipalities.

·         Control and monitoring of the communities benefited by social plans.

·         Supervision of the works, carried out by the Government of Carabobo for the social benefit of the Communities.

·         Coordinate, together with the different National, Regional, and / or Municipal public institutions, the application of plans and projects of social interest.

DateFrom Jan 2000– May2009

CompanyCorporación Talleres Escalona S.A

Type of CompanyMetallurgical

PositionHuman Resources, Contract Administration, Legal Consultancy

Function and Responsibility

·         Provide assistance in all the legal matters and advise in legal documentation, negotiations, contracts

·         Drafting and reviewing the legal filings and drafting technically correct opinions

·         Drafting and reviewing agreements, producing technically accurate quality standard work

·         Management in contract Administration.

·         Claim Management

·         Legal Representative in case of all legal, administrative process as plaintiff or defendant

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