Figura professionale: Teacher, trainer

Nome Cognome: R. J.Età: 33
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Corsi / Master / Traduzioni / Ripetizioni
Sede preferita: school, insitution, center, organization

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Teacher, trainer


Intern at University of Kurdistan-Hewler, February-March 2018.  Acted as a teaching assistant, Assisted a supervisor in her daily academic and administration tasks.  Gained experience and skills on administration management, teaching methods, media and communications office. Ways to manage student’s issues, awareness on the duties of a university teacher.

Electoral commission employee, independent high electoral commission, April-May 2018, Sulemaniyah/Iraq

• Supervised the voting paper storage machine and assisted with the voters make their finger prints, Acquired experience on how to deal with voters, their needs. Writer at young diplomats, Milan/Italy, January-August 2017.  Managed to be promoted as the director of Syria & Iraq war zones.

Author at NRT media channel, Milan/Italy, December 2016-August 2017.  Gained skills on media and publications, advertisement, and press., skills on how to write academically.

Editor at E-Kurd, Milan/Italy, October 2016-present. Lecturer, Face to Face Cambridge institute for learning English language, Ranya/Iraq , July 11 2016-September 13 2016.  Gained skills and experience on teaching methods, administration, punctuality, problem solving in a work based location, solving student’s issues. Voluntary teacher, at university of Kurdistan Hewler, Erbil/Iraq November 2012-March 2013. Instructor, Newroz institute for learning English, Ranya/Iraq June 15 2016- June -28 2016.  Could manage two classes full of children aging between 4-12. English instructor, Alfa organization and Raparin private institute, Ranya/Iraq, July-August 2016.  Became familiar with working with organizations, institutes, Acquired skills on human resources, emotional management during work. Marketer, Bilbas for electronic items, 2005-2012, Ranya-Iraq Tasks, Achievements, Skills:  Gained experience on customer service, and marketing. Community trainer, Kurdistan Save the Children (KSC), Ranya/ Iraq, June 26-2015- July 27-2015.  Could manage a class of 40 students whom were from variety of backgrounds and aged from 6-35.  Gained great reputation around the city with experience, and skills on problem solving, class management, dealing with recruiters, dealing with variety of backgrounds.

Languages:  English – Advanced (almost native, US English).  Arabic – very good  Italian- intermediate  French: Basic  Spanish: basic  Kurdish- Native

Skills:  IT skills, excel, word, power point, majority of PC programs.  Skills on media, writing, advertisement, communications, consultancy, marketing, teaching, training, languages, customer service, human resources, recruitment, business and administration management.  Strong public speaking skills and confident in holding debates & seminars.

Education:  Master degree, international relations, University of Milan/Milan/Italy September 2016-July 2018  Bachelor’s degree, Politics and international relations, University of Kurdistan – Hewler, Erbil, Iraq, 17 Oct, 2013 – 23 June, 2016.  International affairs, university of Sciences Po Paris, France, August, 2015- February, 2016.  English Access Program, University of Kurdistan – Hewler, Erbil, Iraq, 2011 – 2013.  Cafoscari University, Venice, Italy, June 3-June 6, 2017.

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