Figura professionale: Project Manager, Civil Engineering,

Nome Cognome: F. L.Età: 40
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
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Sede preferita: Italia - europa

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Project Manager, Civil Engineering,



During my Master's degree in civil engineering I attended the geotechnical course that I
have extended after my final paper.
In the Applied Geophysics Master I developed a good knowledge of methods of data
investigation and analysis.
Through my Master in Integrated Management Systems I obtained the certificate of Lead
Auditor for Integrated Management Systems (Quality, Security and Environment).
Qualification of Energy Certifier obtained at UNIVPM .
Qualification of RSPP ,CSE/CSP and executive with the delegation of high
specific risk tasks ATECO sector – C.
With my Master in Energy Management and Sustainable Development I widened
my personal knowledge about the management of different renewable energies
Qualification of Skill Technician in Outdoor Noise (The Italian Tecnico
Competente per l'acustica AmbientaleTCAA).
I am attending the third year of Industrial Engineering, Energetic Course.
Qualification of second level ISO 9712 Welding Technician with the certification for
UT, VT, PT, TT,RT and MT methods.
Master in Project Management which I followed with Programme Manager, large and
medium projects in the world of mechanics
SAPR pilot certified
Qualification as IWE (International Welding Engineer)
Regularly and legally Registered as engineer (Macerata, Albo A). Number A1803


March 2018 – current day Freelance
Using experience gained in the world of project management, consulting and mechanics, I
chose to make full use my academic and professional knowledge. Working with a number of
planning and consulting firms and certification bodies for which I travel around the world to
carry out audits in various sectors such as automotive, oil & gas, welding and more. I do a
lot of 4.0 industry practice. The core business of design is focused on thermal properties
and acoustics. To be at the forefront of planning I use the latest software like BIM and
others. Over the past year I have been an external inspector with Bureau Veritas for nondestructive testing and piping checks at Versalis in Oberhausen. I’m a drons pilot and I have
got different drones to do thermography also on photovoltaic and topographic surveys

February 2017 – March 2018 Auditor mechanical laboratory manager at 3P Engineering S.r.l. in Chiaravalle (AN)
At this company I played the role of internal auditor and head of mechanical workshop.
Thanks to my role in this multidisciplinary environment has enabled me to gain useful
experience putting my managerial and technical knowledge into practice. I have been
involved in both destructive and non-destructive testing of welds and metal materials for
various industries including shipbuilding and automotive. I have assisted the company in

December 2016 – February 2017 Management Consultant, Auditor and LCA / LCCA head clerk at Studio Botta S.r.l. in
Monte San Giusto (MC)
In this position I learned how to use Life Cyle Assessment, especially for the footwear
I was mentored by a senior tutor on interaction and behaviour in this particular sector.
During this period I learned how to use different software such as Simapro and open
source with the open LCA.

September 2011-September 2016 Apprenticeship at UNIVPM (Università Politecnica delle Marche)
I worked in collaboration with Prof. Torquato Nanni of UNIVPM to create a valuable
study about the drainage of drinking water for the province of Pesaro and Urbino in a
survey commissioned by ATOM 3. For this activity I collected and reviewed data
along the Metauro river, giving me a lot of experience using GIS.
July 1995-Current Day Director of Middle Age Ceremonies in different cities all over Marche Region
 In this activity I follow the development of the ceremonies and organise interactions
among the participants. To do a good job I research local archives, respecting historical
culture and preserving traditions.
September 2010 – September
 Emergency Medical Technician at Croce Verde of Macerata
 As EMT at Croce Verde of Macerata I worked throughout the province, collaborating with
the 118 -Italian emergency number- too. During the various Festivals at the Sferisterio I was
responsible for public wellbeing.


January 2019 Photogrammetry course with drone
On this course I specialised in the use of the drone for photogrammetry, in particular
with the use of 3D Zephir software for the modeling of point clouds

Course to ugrade to the new ISO 45001 standard
Adaptation course from the ISTUM to bring into force the new standard replacing

Preparatory course of Bureau Veritas for the International Welding Engineer
qualification (IWE)
With final exam at the Institut Za Varilstvo, Co-founder of the European
WeldingFederation (EWF) in Ljubljana

Executive Master in Instogea in ternational Project Management
Executive Master of the STOEGA in international project management to qualify for
certificate Project Management Professional (PMP)

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
Given the market trends and a passion for mechanics, I began a three year degree to
improve my knowledge in the world of inspections

Executive Master in Energy Management and Sustainable Development
Executive Master at SIDAGROUP ofAncona. This course, taught by qualified professionals
widened my knowledge of the management of energy resources.
March 2016 – September 2016 Second Level Master in appliedgeophysics

Second Level Master at the Centre of Geotechnolgies of the University
of Siena where I developed my knowledge of the methods of
geophysical investigation. This included practical tests in the field and
processing the data found, through dedicated software (commercial or
provided by tutor) based on the code Mathlab
April 2016 – July 2016 First Level Master in integrated management systems

First Level Master organised by ISTUM in Florence about
integrated management systems
I obtained the qualification as Lead auditor for ISO 9001
systems, ISO14001,OSHAS18001 auditor qualification for
ISO 50001 systems
 During this master I developed a great knowledge on ISO 14001:2015 ISO 9001:2015,
ISO:50001:2015 OSHAS 18001 legislations for the creation and consultation of
management systems for quality, environment and energy. I learned how to run a
successful company and qualify as an external consultant
October 2011 – February 2015
Master's degree in CivilEngineering
Master's degree in Civil Engineering (LM23) obtained at UNIVPM, environmental
studies. During this master I studied all subjects related to territories, their problems and
solutions. My final paper was in applied hydrogeology, in particular I studied the
carbonatic aquifers starting from M. Paganuccio's studies about the Cesana del Bacino
of the Metauro river

Bachelor's degree in CivilEngineering
Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering (L8) obtained at UNIVPM. The final paper was
about the comparison between fibre reinforced concretes and anti-shrinkage grout

July 2004 High SchoolDiploma
 High school diploma obtained at Instituto Salesiano Don Bosco of Macerata

Training Courses
I consider Education and Training courses as a fundamental part of my personal
development. Since March 2015 I have been attending different classes for both the Vario
and permanent motorcycle. Plus courses about different areas. For example I attended a
Qgis course and even a Hec Ras Course. I intensely studied hydraulics through classes
focused on Model Muse at the geotechnical centre of the University of Siena.
I obtained the qualification as an Energy Certifier according to D.P.R. 73/2013 at UNIVPM.
Then attended extra courses such as that of Energy Manager Update UNITS11300, zero
energy building design, solar panels, energetic requalification of integrated buildings in
green areas, VIA and VAS.
I am a member of FIRE (Federazione Italiana Risparmi Energetico ) to be always updated
and of ANIT (Associazine Nazionale per L’isolamento Termico ed Acustico) to use their
software such as Leto, Pan and Iris certificated by CTI, to the redaction of ape and to
attend their courses such as one in Reggio Emilia about “ex Legge 10”. Course to be
executive with the delegation of high specific risk tasks ATECO sector-C and good
knowledge of ASME regulation for the qualification of thewelds.
Over time I have never stopped learning and continue to follow training courses to increase
my knowledge on issues such as safety, welding and thermotechnology

English B1
French A2
Chinese A1 
German A1

Communication skills 
Good Communication Skills due to my job as a first aid teacher at Croce Verde of Macerata.
Speaker at the conference of 29/10/16 wanted by Fisiomed “ Diagnosi della
Malattia e nuove Tecnologie” valid for 8 ECM (Educazione Continua in
Medicina) of the healthcare sector.

Organisational / managerial skills 
▪ I have good organisational skills developed through my private and social life. At Croce
Verde I was the coordator of the different shifts and of public healthcare during the
Sferisterio Festivals
▪ I gained considerable additional experience at SOI Macerata (Sala Operativa Integrata)
during the two earthquakes that have affected the Marche region ( 24th August and 30th
October) I was involved in organising and handling the rescue services (ambulances and
health facilities used in the evacuation of the risk areas)
▪ As a director of ceremonies I learned to coordinate a large number of people in a very
short time
▪ In 2014, I funded the Motoclub of Montecassiano and was its president until
September 2016
▪ From 2005 to 2007 I was the president of Associazione Palio dei Terzieri of
▪ Having practiced archery since 1991, I have been a representative of the
Montecassiano Archery Team from 1998. I have won the regional championship
nine times and was part of the Bologna team in 2000 when I won the national
championship. From 1992 to 2001 I was a member of Fitarco and until 2006 I was
part of the regional team.
▪ From 2001 to 2006 I practiced sharpshooting in the Macerata Team in categories
P10, PL. I won five times From 2006 to 2008 I was active member of the Dynamic
Shooting League of Filottrano where in 2007, I got the 3rd place in the national
championship in Terni (Open Class D category)
▪ Since 2011, I have attended private ballroom dance classes in preparation for competitions.

Digital competences – Self-assessment grid
Good command of office suite (word processor, spread sheet, presentation software), Excel Proficient User
Good command of Octave and Mathlab, R statistic C/C++
Good command of softwares that I knew and studied during my university and
professional career: Qgis, Arcgis, Civil Designe, What Basal Flow, Derive,
Matchad, Mathlab, Rome, Sap,Thermo 3.2, Leto, Pan,Iris, Promax, Sismic
Unix, Seisgram.
Command of ARDUINO system
Command of SISTRI and Lims for the management of lab

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